Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Vintage Roses Nail Art Tutorial

Hey, guys! I'm Bia and this is my first ever post. Today I came up with an easy way to do vintage roses on your nails, since not everyone owns nail art tools like brushes, dotting tools etc. You will only need your polishes and... A toothpick.
So let's get started!

1. Apply your favorite base coat (I have always hated this phrase but now I do have a favorite one, I'll talk about it in another post xD)
This will create a barrier between your natural nail and the polish, streghtening and protecting the nails from damaging. 
It will also give your nails a smoother look.

2. Apply 2 or more coats of base color (depending on its coverage).

3. Start making big dots/circles with a hot pink polish. (About 3 on every nail - they don't have to be perfectly round)

4. Put a drop of pale pink polish on a piece of paper. With a toothpick, apply it to the center of the circles and draw little petals. (If you can't, it's ok to just add it using circular motions and kinda mix it with the hot pink color)

5. Draw little leafs on each rose using a dark green polish and a toothpick

6. Apply a top coat for a Shinee shiny finish. (it also helps your polish dry faster and last longer)

And... You're done! Easy, isn't it?^^

Products I used:
Eveline Nail Therapy Dry, Hard, Shine nail polish (Top Coat)
Orkide Natty Nail Enamel nail polish no. 369
Orkide Natty Nail Enamel nail polish no. 366
Golden Rose Paris nail polish no. 225
Golden Rose Paris nail polish no. 206
Avon Nail Experts 24k gold strength (Base Coat)


cryptowang said...

foarte usor! ...dar mai stiu eu metode usoare de colorare (facut modele) a unghiilor...care tot nu-mi ies! =))

Lex said...

Și mie mi se pare simplu...să vedem cum va fi când voi pune în practică...:))

Anonymous said...

Looks easy!! Gotta try this for Christmas :3

On a side note, I like where this blogs goes to <3

Andra said...

daca as avea eu atata rabdare sa le fac, ce bine ar fi :)) dar e tare! i like it :)


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